TXU Energy Announces Recipients of 2023 Energy Leadership Awards

TXU Energy Kicks Off 25th Anniversary Beat the Heat Program, Donates $125,000 to Keep Texans Cool

Multi-week summer initiative provides fans and air conditioning to those in need


IRVING, Texas — 


“For 25 years, through some of the hottest Texas summers on record, our Beat the Heat program has continually met critical needs in our communities,” said Scott Hudson, president of TXU Energy. “What started in Dallas, with a single call center to provide people with resources like fans and A/C units, has grown exponentially. We’ve built valuable partnerships with social service agencies across the state and connected with thousands of Texans who face the dangerous reality of being unable to keep cool. This year, like the 25 before it, our message is this: no matter what this summer brings, TXU Energy is here to help.”


TXU Energy’s $125,000 Beat the Heat contribution directly supports nearly 20 social service organizations across Texas, and for the first time, in Lubbock. Highlights for the 2023 summer giving campaign include:

Dallas – The Senior Source: $25,000 will fund the purchase of new window A/C units for older adults. This donation helps The Senior Source achieve its goal of giving away at least 400 A/C units.

Houston – BakerRipley: $20,000 will fund the purchase of hundreds of fans and A/C units for neighbors across the Houston area.

Lubbock – Love the Hub and Meals on Wheels: $25,000 will help purchase hundreds of box fans and A/C units for Lubbock families. Distribution begins June 22.

Tarrant County – Meals On Wheels: $7,500 will help purchase fans and A/C units for seniors and homebound Meals On Wheels clients across Tarrant County.

Waco – Caritas and The Salvation Army: $6,000 will fund the purchase of 300 fans. Caritas will host a distribution event for community members on June 6.

Corpus Christi – Mission 911: $5,000 will purchase 200 box fans for neighbors in need. Fans and box lunches will be distributed at a Mission 911 event on July 25.

In addition to these efforts TXU Energy continues to provide bill-payment assistance to its customers through TXU Energy Aid. For 40 years, these funds, donated by employees, customers, and the company, have been distributed by TXU Energy Aid partner agencies. For information on which social service agencies are providing assistance, Texans should call 211 or visit 211Texas.org and type “electricity bill assistance” in the search box.

Jenny Lyon