Ways to Pay
You can pay your bill in the way that works best for you – explore your
options below.
Pay with MyAccount
- Sign in to pay your bill online or on your smartphone with our iPhone or Android app.
- Pay automatically every month with a bank account or credit/debit card when you Sign up for AutoPay.
Pay by Phone
- Call 800-818-6132
Pay by Mail
- Send your bill stub and payment to:
TXU Energy, PO Box 650700, Dallas, Texas 75265-0700 - Note: Please do not mail in your cash back or welcome bonus cards as payment.
Pay in Person
- Find a payment location near you, and be sure to bring your statement with you.

Need more time to pay?
Here are some options if you need assistance or more time to pay. We're always here to help.
- Give us a call if you need more time to pay or would like to set up a longer-term payment plan at 800-242-9113. We're here to help.
- You may also be able to request a payment extension in MyAccount. If you’re eligible, you’ll see a “Need more time to pay” message. Click the link and follow the steps to extend your due date.
- You may also qualify for state-funded assistance with your electricity bill. If you’d like to learn more, call 2-1-1 and ask for the electricity bill payment assistance agency in your community.
Learn more about payment assistance options.

Frequently Asked Questions
How is my electricity bill calculated?Basically, your electricity bill is calculated by first multiplying the applicable Energy Charges shown on your Electricity Facts Label and your current month's kilowatt-hour (kWh) usage to determine your Energy Charges for the month. Then any monthly Base Charge, past due balances, one-time charges, and charges passed through from your Transmission & Distribution Utility (TDU Delivery Charges), and any taxes (state, local, gross receipts reimbursement) are added to give you the Total Amount Due on your bill. (For more information on how to calculate your bill and see a sample calculation, please click here.)
Which credit or debit cards do you accept?TXU Energy accepts all credit cards with the Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express logos, as well as most debit cards containing the Pulse, Accel, NYCE or STAR logos on the back of the card, if your account is eligible to pay using these types of payments.
What is AutoPayAutoPay is a free service that lets you automatically pay your electricity bill each month using your credit or debit card or an electronic transfer (ACH) from your bank. Click here for more information.
How can I see my billing historyThere are several options available to you. If you have already signed up on MyAccount, just login and view your billing history, payment history, current balance or due date, make a payment, or download and print your bill. Don't have a MyAccount? Create one now. You can also contact us to verify your address and request a duplicate bill.
I forgot my TXU Energy MyAccount password. How do I get it?Just click the Forgot password link by the MyAccount Sign-In module. You'll then be asked for your User Name and an answer to one of your three security questions. Once you enter your new password, you'll be signed-in to MyAccount with a message stating your password was reset successfully.
What is average monthly billing?Average Monthly Billing is a program for our residential customers that helps smooth out seasonal highs and lows in your monthly electricity bills so you have more predictable monthly payments.
With this program, you don't pay less or more. Over the course of the year, you'll pay the same on this program as you would if you weren't on the program. Your bill amount will vary a small amount each month, but it will be much more predictable and easier to budget for. You'll have peace of mind knowing that instead of dealing with seasonal fluctuations that could be as much as hundreds of dollars.