Understanding Your Bill
Straightforward Cost, No Hidden Fees
Explore the charges that appear on your energy bill.
View our full Glossary of Billing Terms
1. Payment Due DateThe date by which TXU Energy must receive your payment to avoid any late payment fees. Late payment fees are typically 5% of the amount you owe.
2. Account NumberA unique number that identifies your electric account. Your account number is defined by your service address. If you have more than one service address, you have more than one account number. If you need to contact TXU Energy, have this number ready. You will also need this number when paying your bill in person at payment locations.
3. Invoice DateThe date the invoice was generated. Therefore, the bill covers consumption prior to that date as indicated by the date of the current meter reading; does not cover consumption between the Invoice Date and the date you receive the invoice.
4. Balance ForwardBalance Forward or Accumulated balance is the amount you owe on previous bills.
5. Transmission and Distribution Company (TDU)The company that owns or operates the equipment or facilities that transmits or distributes electricity to its location. The TDU is also responsible for reading your meter, and establishing prices related to your Distribution Company's charges (if applicable).
6. ESI IDESI ID or Electrical Service Identifier is an identifier used by the industry to uniquely identify the home, business or surveillance light location.
7. Meter IDMeter ID or meter number is the number identifying the meter at your service location. A meter is a device that measures your electricity usage.
8. Days in ReadingNumber of days between your current meter read and your last meter read.
9. Read TypeThe read type is typically actual from your smart meter, however, there are times when it can be estimated or adjusted.
10. Previous Meter ReadPrevious Meter Read is the meter reading from the previous bill.
11. Current Meter ReadThe current meter reading represents the current reading taken when your electricity meter was read on the indicated date. The previous month's reading is subtracted from the current month's reading to determine how many kilowatt-hours (kWh) of consumption you should be billed. This reading is provided by the TDU and is generally obtained when the meter is read. Meter readings occur approximately every 28-32 days.
12. Usage (kWh)Usage measured in kilowatt-hour (kWh) which is the standard unit for measuring electricity consumption, equal to 1,000 watt-hours. Usage is the amount of electricity (kWh) used in a month calculated by subtracting the prior month's meter reading from the current month's meter reading.
13. MultiplierFor some meters, the actual amount of energy used is too large to be recorded and the meter displays a fraction of the actual energy used. A multiplier is then applied to the difference between the current and previous reading to determine the customer's actual energy consumption.
14. Base ChargeA base charge is a charge collected during each billing cycle regardless of your demand or energy consumption.
15. Energy ChargeA charge based on the electricity (kWh) consumed.
16. TDU Delivery ChargesThe total amount charged by a Transmission and Distribution Utility (TDU) for the supply of electricity to a customer through the TDU's poles and wires and other facilities not including discretionary charges.
17. Current ChargesCurrent charges owed for electricity charges based on consumption during the most recent billing period. This is just one component of the bill you pay. If you have unpaid charges from a previous billing period, they will be included in the total amount due. The amount on the current bill includes the service charge, energy charge and sales tax, but excludes any applicable charges for late balances, surcharges and any past due balances. Reflects the electricity consumed in the current period.
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TDU Charges, Explained
Transmission and Distribution Utilities (TDU) charge every electricity provider to maintain power lines in their area. We pass these fees on with absolutely no markup.
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Learn moreMore Helpful Info
Learn how to calculate the average price per kilowatt-hour (kWh) using your Electricity Facts Label or your Bill.