Ways to Save

Fall Savings for Residential Customers

Small changes make a big difference

Fall into energy savings with these tips and tools to save through the changing seasons.

Icon of envelope with notification bell 
Weekly Snapshot

Look for your Weekly Snapshot email every Tuesday for the latest updates on your usage and bill, so you can stay informed and ready to save.

Icon of a house 
Handy Guide

Understanding how your home uses energy can help you save. Our app is the easiest way to track your usage anytime, compare with neighbors, set helpful alerts, and more.

Icon of thermostat 
Comfy Settings

When it’s nice out, try opening your windows or running your fans instead of your A/C. Turn your blinds upward to block out the afternoon heat.

Icon of an air filter 
Filter Check

Replacing your air filters regularly can help keep your heater and A/C running smooth all year. Swap it out more often if you have pets.

Icon of a grill 
Cool Chef

Fall can be a great time to master the grill. A slow cooker or Instant Pot are also good alternatives to your stove and use less energy.

Simple Tips to Prepare for Winter
  • Flip fans:  Running fans clockwise in the winter helps push warm air down into the room to use heat more efficiently.
  • Get a tune-up:  Have your heating system serviced regularly to keep it running efficiently.
  • Seal leaks:  Check for leaks around doors and windows where warm air can escape. Use caulk and weather stripping to seal any openings.
  • Trim trees:  Cut back branches near your roof to avoid damage from ice and snow, and clean your gutters to avoid water damage during a freeze.
  • Test detectors:  Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and change their batteries each year.


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